Transformational Gardening

Plant Taxonomy: Phylums, Classes & Orders

(Go To: Families)

Based on the work of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera has useful information as well.


Scientific Name Definition
Animalia Animals
Archaea Single cell organism lacking cell nuclei.
Bacteria Bacteria
Chromista Chromista is a biological kingdom consisting of single-celled and multicellular eukaryotic species that share similar features in their photosynthetic organelles (plastids). It includes all protists whose plastids contain chlorophyll c, such as some algae, diatoms, oomycetes, and protozoans.”
Fungi Fungi (including mushrooms)
Plantae Plants
Protozoa Protozoa
Viruses Viruses

Plantae Phylums

Scientific Name Definition
Anthocerotophyta Hornworts
Bryophyta Liverworts, Hornworts, Mosses
Charophyta Freshwater green algae
Chlorophyta Green algae living in marine habitats
Glaucophyta Freshwater phototrophic organisms
Marchantiophyta Liverworts
Rhodophyta Coralline algae
Tracheophyta Vascular Plants: They have tissues to help move water and nutrients throughout the plant.

Tracheophyta (Vascular Plant) Classes

Scientific Name Definition
Cycadopsida Gymnosperms plants low and palm-like, need very little water and have an unbranched stem.
Ginkgoopsida Ginkgos (gymnosperms).
Gnetopsida Gymnosperms with three genera: Gnetum, Welwitschia, and Ephedra
Liliopsida Flowering plants producing an embryo with a single cotyledon (embryonic/seed leaf) and leaves with parallel veins. Monocotyledons.
Lycopodiopsida Clubmosses, spikemosses, firmosses and quillworts
Magnoliopsida Flowering plants with two cotyledons (embryonic/seed leaves). Dicotyledons.
Pinopsida Conifers: Cone-bearing seed plants.
Polypodiopsida Spore-reproducing plants.

Cycadopsida Orders/Families

Scientific Name Definition Families
Cycadales Gymnosperms plants low and palm-like, need very little water and have an unbranched stem. Buteoxylaceae; Cycadeoideaceae; Sturianthaceae; Taeniopteridaceae; Westersheimiaceae; Williamsoniaceae; Williamsoniellaceae

Ginkgoopsida Orders/Families

Scientific Name Definition Families
Ginkgoales Gingko order Calamopityaceae; Caytoniaceae; Cornucarpaceae; Pentoxylaceae;

Gnetopsida Orders/Families

Scientific Name Definition Families
Ephedrales Ephedra order. Shrubs. Ephedraceae
Gnetales Tropical. Mostly vines, but a few trees; large flat leaves that have reticulate venation. Gnetaceae
Welwitschiales Namid Desert (Africa). Welwitschiaceae

Liliopsida Orders/Families (Monocotyledons)

Scientific Name Definition Families
Acorales Sweet Flag order. They have a single seed leaf. Acoraceae
Alismatales Mostly water plants in fresh water or marine habitats. Alismataceae; Aponogetonaceae; Araceae; Butomaceae; Cymodoceaceae; Hydrocharitaceae; Juncaginaceae; Lemnaceae; Limnocharitaceae; Maundiaceae; Posidoniaceae; Potamogetonaceae; Ruppiaceae; Scheuchzeriaceae; Tofieldiaceae; Zosteraceae
Arecales Palms Arecaceae; Dasypogonaceae
Asparagales Orchid order Agapanthaceae; Alliaceae; Amaryllidaceae; Anemarrhenaceae; Anthericaceae; Aphyllantheaceae; Asparagaceae; Asphodelaceae; Asteliaceae; Behniaceae; Blandfordiaceae; Boryaceae; Convallariaceae; Doryanthaceae; Eriospermaceae; Hemerocallidaceae; Herreriaceae; Hostaceae; Hyacinthaceae; Hypoxidaceae; Iridaceae; Ixioliriaceae; Lanariaceae; Orchidaceae; Tecophilaeaceae; Themidaceae; Xanthorrhoeaceae; Xeronemataceae
Commelinales Diverse order of plants including, but not limited to Spiderworts and Bloodworts. Commelinaceae; Hamodoraceae; Hanguanaceae; Philydraceae; Pontederiaceae
Dioscoreales Mostly found in the tropics, but some species in Europe and temperate America. They have a thick, starchy tuber. Burmanniaceae; Dioscoreaceae; Nartheciaceae; Taccaceae; Thismiaceae
Liliales Typically erect or twining herbs. In some cases, woody shrubs. Alstroemeriaceae; Campynemataceae; Colchicaceae; Corsiaceae; Liliaceae; Luzurigaceae; Melanthiaceae; Petermanniaceae; Philesiaceae; Ripogonaceae; Smilacaceae; Smilaceae; Trilliaceae
Pandanales Panama hat palm order. Cyclanthaceae; Pandanaceae; Stemonaceae; Triuridaceae; Velloziaceae
Petrosaviales Mountain environments in Southeast and East Asia. Petrosaviaceae
Poales Grass order. Reduced (simplified) flower with a one- to three-chambered ovary. Anarthriaceae; Bromeliaceae; Centrolepidaceae; Cyperaceae; Ecdeiocoleaceae; Eriocaulaceae; Flagellariaceae; Joinvilleaceae; Juncaceae; Mayacaceae; Poaceae; Prioniaceae; Rapateaceae; Restionaceae; Thurniaceae; Typhaceae; Xyridaceae
Zingiberales Large herbs with large flowers and leaves. Usually restricted to tropical climates. Cannaceae; Costaceae; Heliconiaceae; Lowiaceae; Marantaceae; Musaceae; Strelitziaceae; Zingiberaceae

Lycopodiopsida Orders/Families (Clubmosses, spikemosses, firmosses and quillworts)

Scientific Name Definition Families
Isoetales Quillwort order Chaloneriaceae; Isotaceae; Nathorstianaceae; Pleuromeiaceae; Suavitasaceae
Lycopodiales Clubmoss and Firmoss order Lycopodiaceae; Lycopodiopsidaceae
Selaginellales Spikemoss order Kossoviellaceae; Miadesmiaceae; Selaginellaceae

Magnoliopsida Orders/Families (Dicotyledons)

Scientific Name Definition Families
Amborellales Evergreen shrub (Amborella trichopoda). Locations: New Caledonia Island Amborellaceae
Apiales Carrot and Gingseng order. Flowers arranged in umbrels. Self-pollinating. Locations: Worldwide Apiaceae; Araliaceae; Griseliniaceae; Myodocarpaceae; Pennantiaceae; Pittosporaceae; Torricelliaceae
Aquilfoliales Holly order. Evergreen trees and shrubs. Locations: Worldwide Aquifoliaceae; Helwingiaceae; Phyllonomaceae
Asterales Daisy order (including asters). Locations: Worldwide Alseuosmiaceae; Argophyllaceae; Asteraceae; Calyceraceae; Campanulaceae; Goodeniaceae; Menyanthaceae; Pentaphragmataceae; Phellinaceae; Rousseaceae; Stylidiaceae
Austrobaileyales Leaves simple, in a spiral. Star Anise is a well-known example. Locations: Australia, Asia, Caribbean, Pacific Islands. Austrobaileyaceae; Schisandraceae; Trimeniaceae
Berberidopsidales Woody, evergreen. Locations: Southern Hemisphere. Aextoxicaceae; Berberidopsidaceae
Boraginales Borage order. Locations: Worldwide Boraginaceae; Codonaceae; Coldeniaceae; Cordiaceae; Ehretiaceae; Heliotropiaceae; Hoplestigmataceae; Hydrophyllaceae; Lennoaceae; Namaceae; Wellstediaceae
Brassicales Mustard order. Production of glucosinolate compounds. Locations: Worldwide Akaniaceae; Bataceae; Borthwickiaceae; Brassicaceae; Capparaceae; Caricaceae; Cleomaceae; Emblingiaceae; Gyrostemonaceae; Koeberliniaceae; Limnanthaceae; Moringaceae; Pentadiplandraceae; Resedaceae; Salvadoraceae; Setchellanthaceae; Stixaceae; Tiganophytaceae; Tovariaceae; Tropaeolaceae
Bruniales Hermaphrodites and undergo pollination via insects and hummingbirds. Simple, small and persistent leaves. Small- to medium-sized flowers often with clawed petals. Bruniaceae; Columelliaceae
Buxales Evergreen shrubs and tress. Locations: Tropics and subtropics (including Southeast US). Buxaceae; Didymelaceae; Haptanthaceae
Canellales Evergreen shrubs & tress with pale bark and thick, aromatic leaves. Canellaceae; Winteraceae
Cardiopteridales Petals and sepals of the flower meet at their edges, but do not overlap (valvate). 2 slender, short styles. Fruit: Flattened or ridged drupe. Cardiopteridaceae; Stemonuraceae
Caryophyllales Cacti, Carnations and Amaranth order. Achatocarpaceae; Agdestidaceae; Aizoaceae; Amaranthaceae; Anacampserotaceae; Ancistrocladaceae; Asteropeiaceae; Barbeuiaceae; Basellaceae; Cactaceae; Caryophyllaceae; Corbichoniaceae; Didiereaceae; Dioncophyllaceae; Droseraceae; Drosophyllaceae; Frankeniaceae; Gisekiaceae; Halophytaceae; Kewaceae; Limeaceae; Lophiocarpaceae; Macarthuriaceae; Microteaceae; Molluginaceae; Montiaceae; Nepenthaceae; Nyctaginaceae; Petiveriaceae; Physenaceae; ; Plumbaginaceae; Polygonaceae; Portulacaceae; Portulacaeae; Rhabdodendraceae; Sarcobataceae; Simmondsiaceae; Stegnospermataceae; Talinaceae; Tamaricaceae
Celastrales Staff-Vines and Allies order. Flowers usually with a broad disk, 5 or fewer stamens and arranged in a cyme. Celastraceae; Lepidobotryaceae; Parnassiaceae
Ceratophyllales Hornwort order. Aquatic plants that grow underwater. Ceratophyllaceae; Montsechiaceae
Chloranthales Soft-wooded aromatic shrubs and trees. Swollen nodes. Opposite, saw-toothed leaves. Chloranthaceae
Cornales Dogwoods, Hydrangeas order. Mostly woody. Fruits are fleshy with a hard seed. Flower parts in multiples of four with unjoined petals. Cornaceae; Curtisiaceae; Grubbiaceae; Hydrangeaceae; Hydrostachyaceae; Loasaceae; Nyssaceae
Crossosomatales Crabapple bush order. Small-leaved, much-branch shrubs. Flowers have separate petals, sepals and carpels. Aphloiaceae; Crossosomataceae; Geissolomataceae; Guamatelaceae; Ixerbaceae; Stachyuraceae; Staphyleaceae; Strasburgeriaceae
Cucurbitales Begonia and Squash order. Often leaf veins radiate from the base. Petals and sepals are not obviously different. Male and female flowers are usually borne on the same plant, but often distinct. Anisophylleaceae; Apodanthaceae; Begoniaceae; Coriariaceae; Corynocarpaceae; Cucurbitaceae; Datiscaceae; Tetramelaceae
Dilleniales Dilleniaceae family. Strong, parallel secondary veins that proceed to the teeth. Leaf often rough. Bark rich brown. Dilleniaceae
Dipsacales Honeysuckle order. Usually opposite, often gland-toothed leaves. Flowers in a flat-topped cymose clusters. Petals fused into a corolla tube, regular or bilaterally symmetrical. Adoxaceae; Caprifoliaceae; Dipsacaceae; Morinaceae; Sambucaceae; Valerianaceae; Viburnaceae
Ericales Rhododendron order. Mostly weakly fused petals and radially symmetric flowers. Actinidiaceae; Balsaminaceae; Clethraceae; Coridaceae; Cyrillaceae; Diapensiaceae; Ebenaceae; Empetraceae; Ericaceae; Fouquieriaceae; Lecythidaceae; Maesaceae; Marcgraviaceae; Mitrastemonaceae; Napoleonaceae; Pentaphylacaceae; Pirolaceae; Polemoniaceae; Primulaceae; Roridulaceae; Sapotaceae; Sarraceniaceae; Sladeniaceae; Styracaceae; Symplocaceae; Ternstroemiaceae; Tetrameristaceae; Theaceae
Escalloniales Escalloniaceae
Fabales Fabaceae; Polygalaceae; Quillajaceae; Surianaceae
Fagales Betulaceae; Casuarinaceae; Fagaceae; Juglandaceae; Myricaceae; Nothofagaceae; Rhoipteleaceae; Ticodendraceae
Garryales Eucommiaceae; Garryaceae
Gentianales Apocynaceae; Asclepiacaceae; Buddlejaceae; Gelsemiaceae; Geniostomaceae; Gentianaceae; Loganiaceae; Rubiaceae
Geraniales Francoaceae; Geraniaceae; Greyiaceae; Hypseocharitaceae; Ledocarpaceae; Melianthaceae; Simarubaceae; Vivianiaceae
Gunnerales Gunneraceae; Myrothamnaceae
Huerteales Dipentodontaceae; Gerrardinaceae; Petenaeaceae; Tapisciaceae
Icacinales Icacinaceae; Oncothecaceae
Lamiales Acanthaceae; Bignoniaceae; Byblidaceae; Calceolariaceae; Callitrichaceae; Carlemanniaceae; Gesneriaceae; Lamiaceae; Lentibulariaceae; Linderniaceae; Martyniaceae; Mazaceae; Myoporaceae; Oleaceae; Orobanchaceae; Paulowniaceae; Pedaliaceae; Peltantheraceae; Phrymaceae; Plantaginaceae; Plocospermataceae; Rehmanniaceae; Schlegeliaceae; Scrophulariaceae; Stilbaceae; Tetrachondraceae; Thomandersiaceae; Verbenaceae; Wightiaceae
Laurales Atherospermataceae; Calycanthaceae; Gomortegaceae; Hernandiaceae; Lauraceae; Monimiaceae; Priscaceae; Siparunaceae
Magnoliales Annonaceae; Degeneriaceae; Eupomatiaceae; Himantandraceae; Magnoliaceae; Myristicaceae;
Malpighiales Achariaceae; Balanopaceae; Bonnetiaceae; Calophyllaceae; Caryocaraceae; Centroplacaceae; Chrysobalanaceae; Clusiaceae; Ctenolophonaceae; Dichapetalaceae; Elatinaceae; Erythroxylaceae; Euphorbiaceae; Euphroniaceae; Flacourtiaceae; Goupiaceae; Humiriaceae; Hypericaceae; Irvingiaceae; Ixonanthaceae; Lacistemataceae; Linaceae; Lophopyxidaceae; Malesherbiaceae; Malpighiaceae; Medusagynaceae; Ochnaceae; Pandaceae; Passifloraceae; Peraceae; Phyllanthaceae; Picrodendraceae; Podostemaceae; Putranjivaceae; Quiinaceae; Rafflesiaceae; Rhizophoraceae; Salicaceae; Samydaceae; Scyphostegiaceae; Trigoniaceae; Turneraceae; Violaceae
Malvales Bixaceae; Brownlowiaceae; Byttneriaceae; Cistaceae; Cochlospermaceae; Cytinaceae; Diegodendraceae; Dipterocarpaceae; Durionaceae; Helicteraceae; Malvaceae; Muntingiaceae; Neuradaceae; Pentapetaceae; Sarcolaenaceae; Sparrmanniaceae; Sphaerosepalaceae; Sterculiaceae; Thymelaeaceae; Tiliaceae
Metteniusales Metteniusaceae
Myrtales Alzateaceae; Combretaceae; Crypteroniaceae; Haloragidaceae; Hydrocaryaceae; Lythraceae; Melastomataceae; Memecylaceae; Myrtaceae; Oliniaceae; Onagraceae; Penaeaceae; Rhynchocalycaceae; Vochysiaceae
Nymphaeales Cabombaceae; Hydatellaceae; Nymphaeaceae
Oxalidales Brunelliaceae; Cephalotaceae; Connaraceae; Cunoniaceae; Elaeocarpaceae; Huaceae; Oxalidaceae
Paracryphiales Paracryphiaceae
Picramniales Bitterbush order. Bitter bark, radially symmetrical flowers and pinnately compound leaves. Locations: Mexico, Central and South America. Picramniaceae
Piperales Aristolochiaceae; Asaraceae; Hydnoraceae; Lactoridaceae; Piperaceae; Saururaceae
Proteales Nelumbonaceae; Platanaceae; Proteaceae; Sabiaceae
Ranunculales Berberidaceae; Circaeasteraceae; Eupteleaceae; Fumariaceae; Glaucidiaceae; Hydrastidaceae; Lardizabalaceae; Menispermaceae; Papaveraceae; Pteridophyllaceae; Ranunculaceae
Rosales Barbeyaceae; Cannabaceae; Dirachmaceae; Drupaceae; Elaeagnaceae; Moraceae; Pomaceae; Rhamnaceae; Rosaceae; Ulmaceae; Urticaceae
Santalales Amphorogynaceae; Aptandraceae; Balanophoraceae; Cervantesiaceae; Comandraceae; Coulaceae; Erythropalaceae; Loranthaceae; Misodendraceae; Mystropetalaceae; Nanodeaceae; Octoknemaceae; Olacaceae; Opiliaceae; Santalaceae; Schoepfiaceae; Strombosiaceae; Thesiaceae; Viscaceae; Ximeniaceae
Sapindales Aceraceae; Anacardiaceae; Biebersteiniaceae; Burseraceae; Hippocastanaceae; Kirkiaceae; Meliaceae; Nitrariaceae; Rutaceae; Sapindaceae; Simaroubaceae; Tetradiclidaceae
Saxifragales Altingiaceae; Aphanopetalaceae; Cercidiphyllaceae; Crassulaceae; Cynomoriaceae; Daphniphyllaceae; Grossulariaceae; Haloragaceae; Hamamelidaceae; Iteaceae; Medusandraceae; Paeoniaceae; Penthoraceae; Peridiscaceae; Pterostemonaceae; Saxifragaceae; Tetracarpaeaceae
Solanales Convolvulaceae; Hydroleaceae; Montiniaceae; Nolanaceae; Solanaceae; Sphenocleaceae
Trochodendrales Evergreen trees. Wood lacks water-conducting cells. Location: Southeast Asia Tetracentraceae; Trochodendraceae
Vahliales Vahlia order. Locations: Africa, Madagascar, India Vahliaceae
Vitales Grape order. Locations: Worldwide Vitaceae
Zygophyllales Creosote Bush order. Desert or tropical regions. Krameriaceae; Zygophyllaceae

Pinopsida Orders/Families (Conifers)

Scientific Name Definition Families
Pinales Conifer order Araucariaceae; Buriadiaceae; Cephalotaxaceae; Cupressaceae; Cycadocarpidiaceae; Miroviaceae; Phyllocladaceae; Pinaceae; Podocarpaceae; Protopinaceae; Sciadopityaceae; Taxaceae; Taxodiaceae

Polypodiopsida Orders/Families (Spore-reproducing plants)

Scientific Name Definition Families
Cyatheales Tree Fern order Cibotiaceae; Culcitaceae; Cyantheaceae; Dicksoniaceae; Loxsomataceae; Metaxyaceae; Plagiogyriaceae; Thyrsopteridaceae
Equisetales Horsetail order Archaeocalamitaceae; Asterocalamitaceae; Autophyllitaceae; Calamitaceae; Echinostachyaceae; Equisetaceae; Gondwanostachyaceae; Konnostachyaceae; Manchurostachyaceae; Notocalamitaceae; Tchernoviaceae
Gleicheniales Extant Ferns with root steles having 3-5 protoxylem poles and antheridia with 6-12 narrow, twisted or curved cells in their walls. Dipteridaceae; Gleicheniaceae; Matoniaceae;
Hymenophyllales Filmy and Bristle Fern order Hymenophyllaceae
Marattiales Large terrestrial ferns with mucilage canals. Asterothecaceae; Hydropteraceae; Marattiaceae; Ptychocarpaceae; Wichseliaceae
Ophioglossales Adder’s Tongue order. Fern-like plants where each leaf (frond) contains a sterile segment and a fertile segment containing the sporangia. Botrychiaceae; Ophioglossaceae
Osmundales Royal Fern order Guaireaceae; Osmundaceae
Polypodiales Polypod Fern order. They bear the sporangia in a vertical arc or ring. The majority of the ferns are in this order. Adiantaceae; Aspeniaceae; Aspidiaceae; Aspleniaceae; Athyriaceae; Blechnaceae; Cystodiaceae; Cystopteridaceae; Davalliaceae; Dennstaedtiaceae; Desmophlebiaceae; Didymochlaenaceae; Diplaziopsidaceae; Dryopteridaceae; Hemidictyaceae; Hypodemathiaceae; Lindsaeaceae; Lomariopsidaceae; Lonchitidaceae; Nephrolepidaceae; Oleandraceae; Onocleaceae; Polypodiaceae; Pteridaceae; Rhachidosoraceae; Saccolomataceae; Sinopteridaceae; Tectariaceae; Thelypteridaceae; Woodsiaceae
Psilotales Whisk Fern order Psilotaceae
Salviniales Floating/Aquatic Fern order Azollaceae; Heroleandraceae; Hydropteridiaceae; Marsileaceae; Salviniaceae
Schizaeales Leaves more grass-like or linear on a long petiole. Sporangia dense on specialized, slender lobes. Acrostichopteridaceae; Anemiaceae; Cynepteridaceae; Klukiaceae; Lygodiaceae; Schizaeaceae; Tempskyaceae