Transformational Gardening

Silky Dogwood (Cornus amomum) (Also known as: Swida amomum): Images

Date Location Notes Images
September 12, 2010 Southeastern, New Hampshire
Date Location Notes Images
September 9, 2011 Southeastern, New Hampshire
Date Location Notes Images
September 18, 2011 Southeastern, New Hampshire There are only three Dogwoods trees in New Hampshire with blue fruit. Round-Leaf Dogwood (Cornus rugosa) has white pith (notice the brown pith on the pictures), leaves with 6-8 veins per side and the stems are not red. Cornus obliqua has brown pith, but only 3-5 veins per side of leaf, the backs of the leaves have white bumps and the leaves are 2.2 to 4 times longer than wide. Cornus amomum has brown pith, 4-6 veins per side of leaf and the leaves are 1.5 to 2.2 times longer than wide.
Date Location Notes Images
June 30, 2012 Southeastern, New Hampshire Flowers much later in the year than other dogwoods.