Transformational Gardening

Spring Whitlow Grass (Spring Draba) (Draba verna) (Synonym: Erophila verna): Images

Date Location Notes Images
April 26, 2011 Southeastern, New Hampshire I saw this very small clump of white flowers in the grass near where I live. It took an hour to identify. The XID Services weed identification software was a big help. It does not always get me the exact species, but it can often identify the genus.

Spring Whitlow Grass is a 2 to 12 inch tall plant with a clump of 1/2 to 1 inch oblong, hairy basal leaves. The long flower stem is hairy, especially near the leaves. Stem leaves are absent, unlike the similar species, Cushion Draba (Draba lanceolata) which does have stem leaves. The 1/8 inch wide flowers have 4 white petals that are so deeply-notched, it appears as if there are 8 petals.
Date Location Notes Images
April 27, 2011 Southeastern, New Hampshire