June 28, 2012
Southeastern, New Hampshire
At first I thought this was White Bedstraw (Galium album). I didn’t
want to hang around for photos because the mosquitoes were swarming. Fortuntely,
I noticed that the stem was very sticky (and rough) feeling. I'll need to go back
and double-check, tough.
If the stem was not rough to the touch, I would have to decide between
White Bedstraw (Galium album), Wood Bedstraw (Galium sylvaticum) and
Whorled Bedstraw (Galium mollugo). All three of these have inflorescences with
5-20 flowers. This plant seems to have inflorescences with 2-3 flowers. Key:
- Main branches with 5-12 leaves at each node.
- Leaf blades sharply pointed to cuspidate at the apex.
- Corolla 1-7 mm in diameter.
- Pedicels erect to spreading.
- Stems rough to the touch (scabrous) on the angles of the internodes.
Inflorescence with 2-5 flowers.
- Leaves (4-)6 per node.
- Schizocarps (fruit) uncinate-bristly (as opposed to glabrous). Leaf
blades 15-85 mm long and 4-13 mm wide. Leaves scabrous on the margin.
Corolla green-white.