Transformational Gardening

Canada Lily (Wild Yellow Lily, Meadow Lily) (Lilium canadense): Images

Date Location Notes Images
June 30, 2010 Southeastern, New Hampshire This plant shows quite a bit of variation. The first plant I saw had 6 big flowers at the top and whorls of 8-10 leaves going up the stem. But most of the Canada Lilies along the trail had whorls of 4 leaves and only 1 flower at the top (see bottom two rows of pictures to the right and below). I thought it might be two different plants, but according to the guidebooks, it just shows quite a bit of variation.

The leaves are lanceolate and appear in whorls of 4-10 leaves on the stem. The veins beneath the leaves have minute prickles. The large yellow flowers have 3 petals and 3 petal-like sepals (making it seem like it has 6 petals). There are dark redish-brown spots on the flower petals. There are six stamen with brown anthers. Up to 20 flowers may be borne on the same plant
Date Location Notes Images
June 30, 2012 Southeastern, New Hampshire