September 5, 2011
Southeastern, New Hampshire
The plants I encountered were 5 to 7 feet tall. In New Hampshire, there are only a few
species of Evening Primrose that are very tall (over 4 feet tall).
- Northern Evening Primrose (Small Flower Evening Primrose)
(Oenothera parviflora): Very similar to Common Evening Primrose. The main
difference is that the two sepal tip appendages on Common Evening Primrose begin at
the apex of the sepal. For Northern Evening Primrose, the two sepal tip appendages
begin before the apex of the sepal. Click on first picture in 2nd row for details.
- Redsepal Evening Primrose (Oenothera glazioviana): The flower of
Redsepal Evening Primrose is much bigger -- flower petals being 3-5 cm tall and sepals
are red. Often seen in gardens, sparingly escaped into the wild.
- Oakes’ Evening Primrose (Oenothera oakesiana)
(Synonym: Oenothera parviflora var. angustissima): Oakes Evening Primrose is
considered a variation of Northern Evening Primrose (Oenothera parviflora) (see
above). Therefore, the sepal tip appendages begin before the apex of the sepal. It has
short, stiff white/gray and appressed hairs without having glandular hairs.
- Common Evening Primorose (Oenothera biennis): This plant. Notice that
the two sepal appendages grow out of the apex of the sepal.
- Hairy Evening Primrose (Oenothera villosa) (Synonyms:
Oenothera biennis var. canescens, Oenothera strigosa): Hairy Evening Primrose
is often considered a variation of Common Evening Primorose (Oenothera biennis).
It is densely-covered with grayish stiff hairs that can either be short or long and has
few or no gland-tipped hairs.
In order to limit the list of Evening Primrose to the above five possibilities,
rather than using the plant height, I used the Key provided in
the book,
Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada. This
plant has roundly 4-angled fruit (not sharply 4-angled fruit), yellow flowers and
the fruit is thickest at the base and tapers (not linear).
I took quite a few pictures and measurements of this plant. You can see that the
leaves are around 12 cm long and 3.8 cm wide. The seeds are approximately 1.2 mm long.
The flower petals are 1.8 cm high and approximately the same width. The sepals + sepal
appendages are nearly 3 cm long. The sepal appendages are 5 mm long. This plant was
7-1/2 feet tall!