May 26, 2012
Southeastern, New Hampshire
Other than Sensative Fern (Onoclea sensibilis), which is easy to identify, this is my very first
fern identification that I have done on my own! I was not planning on identifying ferns,
but that big cinnamon-colored center part of the fern rosette made identification possible.
Cinnamon Fern has a circular rosette of leaves (called fronds) that are infertile and
then one or more central, cinnamon-colored fertile fronds (that release spores).
Each large leaf has many leaflets that get smaller as they approach the tip of the leaf.
In the first top picture (above), to the right, we are looking at the back of part of
one leaflet. There is hairy fuzz where the leaflet connects to the leaf stem. Some
people call this “hairy armpits” and is a significant identifying feature
of Cinnamon Fern. Notice that the leaflets are very deeply cut, almost into leafules
(leaflets of leaflets), but not quite. Identification keys include:
“hairy armpits”; thin, cinnamon-colored fertile frond; and leaflets of
infertile front coming to a point (see last picture below).