June 11, 2012
Southeastern, New Hampshire
This is supposed to be the only large fern (up to 3 ft. tall) in New England
where the blade is divided into three segments. The two basal pinnae are
relatively large. The blade is often held parallel to the ground. The stipe is
smooth and grooved. Sori are silvery at first, turning brown later in the year. The
sori are often covered or partially covered by the reflexed margins of the pinnules.
- Sporangium with well-developed annulus forming a complete or near complete ring.
Usually bearing 16-64 spores only.
- Sori located at the leaf margin.
- Petiole not appearing to fork into 2 divisions. (Family: Dennstaedtiaceae)
- Sori not borne in cup-like structures. Leaf blades wide (40-70 cm). (Genus/Species:
Pteridium aquilinum)
- Terminal segment of leaflets 2-4 times as long as wide.
(Subspecies: latiusculum)