June 19, 2012
Southeastern, New Hampshire
After a couple of years of hoping to find this tree, I found it. Actually, someone else
pointed it out to me. Hopefully, I can find many more and be ready for Springtime leaf
snacks. A few things I want to remember include:
- Trunk is straight and the form is a symmetrical, rounded crown.
- Branches spreading and ascending.
- Commonly found with American Beech, White Ash and Red Oak. Often on moist slopes
that face north and/or east.
- Leaves are slightly heart-shaped. Translucent when young. Dull green above, lighter
beneath. Sharply acuminate tip.
- Cream yellow flowers appear in June or July.
- Leaf blades 7-20 cm long.
- Petioles less than 50% as long as the blade. (Tilia americana)
- Back of leaf blade not pubescent with stellate hairs. (Variation: americana)