Transformational Gardening

Red Trillium (Red Wakerobin) (Trillium erectum): Images

Date Location Notes Images
May 5, 2012 Outside of Lisbon, Maine This plant was discussed at the Spring Foraging class today. See Early Spring Foraging Class pictures. Normally, I only consider plants that I find and identify for this web page. Otherwise, I would not really be learning anything. These pictures of the Red Trillium are from early this morning, before the foraging class, so I do consider it my find even though it was discussed later at class.

It is edible before it flowers in the early Spring (mid- to late-April, perhaps early May further North). It has a nice cucumber taste which turns more bitter when the plant flowers. It works well in a salad. The a decoction of the rhizomes (underground stems) are used medicinally in a poultice for wounds.