Transformational Gardening

Hobblebush (Viburnum lantanoides): Images

Date Location Notes Images
May 7, 2011 Southeastern, New Hampshire This is a Viburnum with edible berries. The berries are red at first and then turn black when ripened. I will go back and collect some in the late Summer or Fall.

These are typical Viburnum flowers with big white 5-petal sterile flowers surrounding a cluster of little white flowers in the center. The leaves of Viburnum are of varying shapes, but this is the only Viburnum in New Hampshire that has very big leaves without deep teeth on the margin. A Couple of useful Viburnum resources: Is it a Viburnum? and Which Viburnum Is It?.
Date Location Notes Images
August 21, 2011 Southeastern, New Hampshire Berries not quite ripe and do not taste very good.