Transformational Gardening


The purpose of the Transformational Gardening website is twofold:
  1. To share resources related to sustainable and non-toxic gardening and self-sufficiency practices; and
  2. To share my own gardening and foraging experiences with my friends and whomever happens to visit this web site.


The goal of this web site is to discover ways to increase sustainable development. “Sustainable development,” can be defined as “meeting the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Sustainable development can be applied to food, economics, the environment natural resources, pollution issues), and social issues.

Anyone who has not been asleep since 2008 knows that the United States is in the midst of an economic collapse. The economic problems were easily predictable and had, in fact, been predicted by numerous economists and other experts in books and speeches from 2005 through 2007. Some of the reasons for this ongoing collapse include:

Web site created in June 2009. Some pages still under construction. The 2009 gardening exerpeinces and the 2009 foraging experiences are up-to-date. The rest of the links will be added gradually. Sorry for the inconvenience.