July 21, 2010
Southeastern, New Hampshire
I‘ve been spotting a lot of Spotted Joe-Pye Weed lately. It grows near
moist/wet areas. Spotted Joe-Pye Weed has redish-pink flowers that make the top
of the plant look
fuzzy when they open up. Each flowerhead has 10-16 flowers. The leaves
grow in whorls of 4-5. The leaves are sharply toothed and the leaf veins are
pinnately divided. The stem is purple or spotted purple with hairs above.
Other common Joe-Pye Weed species include: Sweet Joe-Pye Weed
(Eupatoriadelphus purpureum / Eupatorium purpureum)
which has dark purple on the stem only
at the nodes, the leaves have a vanilla scent when crushed, there are fewer
flowers per flowerhead (4-7), flowers are dull pale/pink (less dark in color),
leaves are in whorls of 3-4, stem often covered with slight whitish bloom
and the plant tends to grow in slightly drier locations; Hollow Joe-Pye
Weed (Eupatoriadelphus fistulosus / Eupatorium fistulosum) which
has a hollow stem, 4-7 leaves in whorls (often 6 leaves), narrow, lance-shapped,
sharply toothed leaves, but finer teeth than other Joe-Pye Weeds; Coastal Plain
Joe-Pye Weed (Eupatoriadelphus dubius / Eupatorium dubium) which
has 3-veined leaves and the base of the leaf narrows abruptly. It grows up to
40 inches tall.