August 10, 2010
Southeastern, New Hampshire
Tall Blue Lettuce is a biennial with clusters of bluish white flowers near the
top when it goes to flower in August. The leaves are toothed or pinnately divided
and the margins of the leaf are sparsely prickled. The leaves often terminate
in an arrowhead shape unlike Canada Lettuce (Lactuca canadensis). Tall
Blue Lettuce has scattered hairs on the underside of the leaf, especially the
leaf center vein, but not like the stiff spiney hairs found on the center vein of the
underside of Prickly Lettuce (Lactuca serriola) leaves.
Fortunately, all of the
commonly-found sow thistles, Perennial sowthistle (Sonchus arvensis),
Common (Annual) Sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) and Spiney Sowthistle
(Sonchus asper) have yellow flowers, so I could be sure that this was
not a sow thistle. Canada Lettuce (Lactuca canadensis) and Prickly
Lettuce (Lactuca serriola) also have yellow flowers. By eliminating
all other possibilities, I was able to confirm that this plant is Tall Blue